TCP/IP Application Layer TCP/IP application layer protocols provide services to the application software running on a computer. The application layer does not define the application itself, but it defines services that applications need. For example, application protocol HTTP defines how web browsers can pull the contents of a web page from a web server. In […]
Step 4: Go to Setup ➤ Object Manager tab ➤ Lead ➤ Triggers, and click the “New” button. trigger FieldChangeTracking on Lead (after update) { String fieldToTrack = ‘Rating’; Lead oldLead = Trigger.old[i]; Object_Id__c = newLead.Id, Field_Name__c = fieldToTrack, Old_Value__c = String.valueOf(oldLead.get(fieldToTrack)), New_Value__c = String.valueOf(newLead.get(fieldToTrack)) ); } } insert historyRecords; } } In this example: […]
This chapter covers the following official AWS Certified SysOps Administrator – Associate (SOA-C02) exam domains: Domain 5: Networking and Content Delivery (For more information on the official AWS Certified SysOps Administrator – Associate [SOA-C02] exam topics, see the Introduction.) VPC Flow Logs This section covers the following objective of Domain 5 (Networking and Content Delivery) […]
Trigger.size The Trigger.size variable in Apex triggers is used to determine the total number of records in a trigger invocation, including both old and new records. It provides the count of records that caused the trigger to fire. Here are a few reasons why Trigger.size is commonly used in Apex triggers: •\ Bulk Processing: Apex […]
Multi-account VPC Sharing VPCs can be shared between accounts and organizations by sharing management with AWS organizations and the Resource Access Manager. In this section, you will learn about how to accomplish sharing services in a VPC between accounts using the AWS PrivateLink service. PrivateLink In Chapter 7, “Connecting On-Premises Networks,” you learned that the […]
Deployment Groups CodeDeploy is meant to be used with existing compute resources, using which it can deploy application artifacts. Note that it does not create compute resources on your behalf. With that in mind, CodeDeploy organizes compute resources in deployment groups. When deploying application components to ECS, Lambda, and EC2/on-premises servers, deployment groups specify the […]
S3 Origin Access Identity This section covers the following objective of Domain 5 (Networking and Content Delivery) from the official AWS Certified SysOps Administrator – Associate (SOA-C02) exam guide: 5.2 Configure domains, DNS services, and content delivery CramSaver If you can correctly answer these questions before going through this section, save time by skimming the […]
public void printMagicData() { var magic = ; System.out.println(magic); } public void print(Water water) { System.out.println(water); } } package aquarium; public class Water { boolean salty = false; } package aquarium.jellies; public class Water { boolean salty = true; } package employee; INSERT IMPORTS HERE public class WaterFiller { Water water; } import aquarium.jellies.Water; import […]
As you can see in Figure 9.2, Training offers Algorithms, Training jobs, and Hyperparameter tuning jobs. Let’s understand their usage: Inference has many offerings and is evolving every day: You have got an overview of Amazon SageMaker. Now, put your knowledge to work in the next section. Important note The Amazon SageMaker console keeps changing. […]
After you create your CloudFormation template, return to your Management Console and quickly create your VPC: Figure 10.2: The Stacks menu Figure 10.3: The create stack drop-down menu Figure 10.4: The Template source options Figure 10.5: The Choose file option Figure 10.6: Choosing the stack name Figure 10.7: The Resources tab Now that you have […]